The Cedilla media format

Daniel Yokomizo / @dyokomizo

A factual world

fact ≔ atom | data
atom ≔ <name> <blob>
data ≔ <name> fact*
fact ∷ form


lenient strict
atom Form parses the <blob> successfully
data Every required member fact is present As lenient and also no unspecified facts are allowed

Facts, concretely(a JSON encoding)

 {"urn:x-academia:thesis:title":"Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures"
 ,"urn:x-academia:thesis:author":"Roy Thomas Fielding"
   ,"urn:x-academia:thesis:chapter-title":"Software Architecture"
   ,"urn:x-academia:thesis:chapter-title":"Network-based Application Architectures"

Facts, alternatively(a JSON encoding)


Facts, abridgedly(a JSON encoding)

 {"t:title":"Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures"
 ,"t:author":"Roy Thomas Fielding"
   ,"t:chapter-title":"Software Architecture"
   ,"t:chapter-title":"Network-based Application Architectures"

Facts about forms (and facts)

  • Unique names
  • Namespaces as Onthologies and APIs
  • Granularity
  • Extensibility
  • Interoperability

A perspective on facts

  • Facts are plain media...
  • but we can embed a fact in a view...
  • which is a hypermedia form.

A perspective on facts(a JSON encoding)

  ,"v:text":"View Thesis Details"
    ,"v:text":{"v:label":"ISBN","v:title":{"en-US":"International Standard Book Number"}}

Links, a more in depth view

c ≔ urn:x-cedilla
v ≔ c:view

v:link  ≔ v:href v:form v:verb? v:text? v:hint* v:data* v:meta* c:form

v:text  ≔ <blob>
        | (v:label v:title? v:panel?)
v:label ≔ <blob>
v:title ≔ <blob>
v:panel ≔ <blob>
        | (v:link v:path?)

v:path  ≔ <blob>
        | (v:label v:value?)
v:value ≔ <blob>

Data, a more in depth view

c ≔ urn:x-cedilla
v ≔ c:view

v:data ≔ c:form v:text? v:hint* v:data* v:meta* v:list? v:test? v:size?

v:list ≔ fact*
       | (v:link v:path?)

v:test ≔ <blob>

v:size ≔ v:min? v:max?
v:min  ≔ <blob>
v:max  ≔ <blob>

Views, a more in depth view

c ≔ urn:x-cedilla
v ≔ c:view

v ≔ c:form v:text? v:hint* v:data* v:meta* v:abbr*

v:abbr ≔ (c:form v:text? v:hint* v:data* v:meta* v:list? v:test? v:size?)

Facts, summarily

  • Facts provide the foundation
  • Views work as "hyperfacts"
  • Well-known forms enable progressive enhancement